Buy The Truth And Sell It Not
Dr. Charles Blackstock reminds us of the value of truth.
Teaching All Nations
Guest speaker Adam Ogle presents the ministry of Teaching All Nations.
There Is No One God Cannot Reach
Missionary David Gardner teaches how Jesus was able to change the man of Gadarenes, who was possessed with many devils.
God Changes Us
In this bilingual service, Pastor Ronald Tobillas shares his testimony of how God changed him.
Blessed Are The Merciful
Dr. Charles Blackstock continues the series on the Beatitudes.
The Problems We Face
Jeff Johnston talks about the problems we face and the God that goes through them with us.
What Battle Are You Fighting?
Dr. Charles Blacstock encourages us to fight the battle in front of us and move past the battles we have already fought.
Blessed Are They That Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness
Dr. Charles Blackstock continues the series on the Beatitudes.
The Lord’s Supper
Dr. Charles Blackstock teaches about The Lord’s Supper.
Then Came Amalek
Dr. Charles Blackstock preaches from Exodus 17 how the Israelites battled with Amalek.