Meet Our Pastor

Dr. Charles Blackstock

In 1979, our Pastor, Charles Blackstock, was attending Georgia Tech where he was studying for a degree in engineering.  Two men from Campus Crusade for Christ told him he needed to accept Christ as his personal Savior.

Shortly after being saved, he realized the importance of finding a good church home and began attending DeFoor Avenue Baptist church.  His Pastor there was Frank Whitmire Sr.  He realized that God had great things planned for Bro. Charles, and he began to train him in the ministry.

During this time our Pastor met Debbie DeVore, a young lady with a heart for the Lord.  They married in 1981 and Mrs. Blackstock gave birth to their first son, Andrew, in 1987.  Two years later, God blessed them with their second son, Matthew.

In 1985, our Pastor was ordained and served as an associate pastor.  In 1992 he received his Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Education.  In 1993 he finished his studies toward a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Counseling.  Finally, in 2000 he was walking the aisle for a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology.

God called him to pastor University Baptist Church in 1992.  The church there grew, and became a very soul-conscious congregation.  On several occasions they were able to lead over 100 people to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in one day.

God was greatly using Pastor Charles in the ministry and in 1999, God laid on his heart to start a church in Dawsonville, GA.  On October 10th, 1999, Lighthouse Baptist Church had its first meeting in a restaurant called The Fisherman’s Net. Despite the unusual location, the church began to grow and God again blessed our Pastor’s faithfulness.

It wasn’t long before we were able to purchase land . While meeting on the new church property, it was clear that God wasn’t finished working and the church continued to grow.

With a growing congregation, a new building was needed and by 2003, our new building was finished! And our attendance grew to over 300 in just 4 years.

Over the years, God has has allowed LBC to reach a great number of people through ministries such as Hell’s Gates, which is our October drama of the End-Times, Lighthouse Global Studios, which is our ministry that sends Gospel preaching around the globe, as well as our Vacation Bible Schools each year that always have exciting themes and hilarious acting.

God is continually working at LBC as we do our best to reach the community and the world.