Great Perils That Lead To Deception
Dr. Charles Blackstock continues his series on The Doctrine of Deception.
Who We Are
A message from Dr. Charles Blackstock
The Fire And The Rain
Dr. Charles Blackstock preaches about the fire and the raining blessings of God.
Come And Dine
Guest Speaker Brett Wiley teaches from the book of John.
Misunderstandings About Adoption
Dr. Charles Blackstock teaches about the doctrine of adoption.
Running The Race
A message from Dr. Charles Blackstock
The Place of Decption
Dr. Charles Blackstock continues the series on “The Doctrine of Deception.”
We Serve A Living God
Pastor Jamie Reynolds brings an encouraging message.
How Committed Are We?
Pastor Jeff Johnston brings a motivating message.
Abiding in Love
Pastor Jeff Johnston teaches on Abiding in Love.