About LBC

Lighthouse Baptist Church is an independent church not affiliated with any denomination or organization. We accept the Bible as our sole guide and authority. The church is led by our Senior Pastor, (Dr. Charles Blackstock), and a Pastoral Team, (see Staff Page). 
The church uses a Deacon Ministry to assist the Pastor and to provide leadership from within the congregation. Lighthouse Baptist Church of Dawsonville was incorporated in 2000 and is recognized by the State of Georgia and the IRS as an official non-profit organization. On Feb. 11, 2001 after careful preparation the church adopted a constitution for the governance of the ministry. The church constitution is a very thorough and useful document that clearly defines the policies and the doctrinal beliefs of Lighthouse Baptist Church.

LBC is careful in the stewardship practices and use of God’s resources. The church operates from an annual budget approved by the congregation. One of the Deacons of the church serves as Church Treasurer and oversees the Finance Committee that is responsible to report the financial affairs to the church. LBC utilizes the services of Bradly Maple, CPA for monthly bookkeeping, payables and reporting. Another Deacon oversees the receiving of offerings along with the counting and depositing of the funds received. Each month the deacons provide a report to the congregation on the finances and every quarter an official business meeting is held to give an accounting of all matters financial. A careful organization of these items insures proper handling of all funds given to God’s work through Lighthouse Baptist Church.

Doctrine is not a bad word at LBC. We believe that the great weapon we have against the lies of Satan and this world system is the Truth of God’s Word. Therefore we unashamedly teach the Bible, its doctrine and its principles. We firmly believe that God divinely inspired the writing of all scripture and that He has preserved it to this day. We believe that God has provided a perfectly preserved Bible for the English-speaking people through the King James Bible of 1611. Therefore we use this Bible exclusively in all preaching and teaching and stand ready to present solid information as to why we have such confidence in the King James Version.

We are a church that is fundamental in belief and separated in practice. This simply means that we believe the Bible is the foundation for all we are to build our faith upon and not man-made ideas and platforms. We believe that Christians, while not perfect, should live to represent their Savior well and bring glory and honor to God. We believe in salvation by faith in Christ and that we are called to witness to all people of the good news of the gospel.


The great commission is taken literally at LBC. All that we do is ultimately directed at fulfilling the call to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone. Each week opportunities are provided to train, mentor and involve our members to reach out to people of all walks of life with an encouraging message of God’s saving grace. A large portion of our resources goes towards supporting missionaries and world mission projects that are reaching people and starting churches all around the world. LBC runs buses into the community to provide youth and adults transportation to and from our Sunday and Wednesday services. Many boys and girls have been reached for Christ through the bus ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church. We send support to scores of missionaries each month to help them minister in foreign lands. Several of our own families have accepted the call to be foreign and domestic missionaries for the Lord Jesus Christ. The heartbeat of Lighthouse Baptist Church is a heart for winning souls.

A few dedicated families gathered to pray in Dawson County in July of 1999 and to consider the starting of a church. Home Bible studies developed into the organization of a church. After diligent search a location to meet was still not acquired. Pastor Charles and Debbie noticed that the Fisherman’s Net Restaurant was not opening on Sundays and Wednesday nights. Pastor Charles met with Darrell Walden who immediately gave permission to use the facility each week and in October of 1999 Lighthouse Baptist Church held its first services in Dawson County. Within a few months, property was located on Grant Road and purchased. On Mothers Day 2000 the first service was held at the new location in a building quickly remodeled to accommodate the new church. October 8, 2000, on the first anniversary, 276 people gathered for a special service. Adults meeting in a tent celebrated the amazing beginning of a new work of God. Six people trusted Christ as their savior this day, a ribbon cutting was held to recognize the addition of six acres of property and a great afternoon of fellowship was enjoyed.

In just one year, LBC had seen miraculous growth, amazing financial provisions and the acquisition of two pieces of property. The next year led to a building program and by Christmas of 2003 services were being held in a brand new 23,000 square feet facility. With the physical additions, God was adding people and ministries to LBC. In 2003 the AWANA program started and in 2004 both Lighthouse Christian Academy and the Baptist College for World Evangelism began. Bus ministries and Sunday School enlarged, Vacation Bible Schools grew and the youth program was flourishing with summer camps and mission trips to South America.

October 11, 2009 marked our tenth year at Lighthouse Baptist Church and we are excited about this milestone. Several “Year 10” projects were planned to reach out to our community and to show our love and appreciation for the people of Dawson County. God has done so much in just ten short years and we look with anticipation toward our future until Christ returns.