Sermon Videos

Heart Problems

Will Gordon preaches a message on dealing with our heart ...

Your Daily Fight With Fear

Youth Pastor Jamie Reynolds preaches an encouraging message on dealing with fear ...

Matching Your Mouth and Actions

James: Action-Packed Faith
Assistant Pastor Jeff Johnston continues his series in the book of James ...


Dr. Charles Blackstock teaches on things that should be special or sanctified to us ...


Dr. Charles Blackstock teaches on the importance of the opportunities we have to serve God ...

Faith, Works, and the Tongue 

James: Action-Packed Faith
Assistant Pastor Jeff Johnston continues his series in the book of James ...

How Little We Know

Dr. Charles Blackstock teaches us how little we know about God and how much more we will one day know ...

The God Of Our Hope

Dr. Charles Blackstock preaches on our confidence in God and the joy and peace that brings us ...

Faith Seen By Works

James: Action-Packed Faith
Assistant Pastor Jeff Johnston continues his series in the book of James ...


Dr. Charles Blackstock teaches about temptation and the difference between good temptation and bad temptation ...

The Battle Between Truth and Lies

Dr. Charles Blackstock preaches on the battle we face for the Truth ...

Playing Favorites

James: Action-Packed Faith
Assistant Pastor Jeff Johnston continues his series in the book of James ...